Friday 1 January 2021

"Step right up . . . step right up . . . come and get your Roskrypz CD's and tees, direct from the man himself, still covered in the blood, sweat and tears shed whilst making this fantastic album!!"

Roskrypz - Thud Thud So Good Good

  1. Viva Happiness (intro)
  2. Thud Thud So Good Good
  3. Concrete Crumble
  4. Rack Wrecker
  5. Branches
  6. Likeabull
  7. Blue
  8. I Love . . . (ft Mikey D.O.N)
  9. Prop The Bar Up
  10. Graft
  11. Iron Will
  12. Through Darkness
  13. Cool As You
  14. Chit Chat
  15. Friday x3 (ft Felina)
  16. Diamond Brooch
  17. Deep Freeze
  18. Smile Everytime

(+£1.00 p&p)

"And dont forget ya' garms, It'll do ya' no harm . .!"
(+£1.50 p&p)
