Sunday 4 August 2013

Will people STOP asking me if I'm on Facebook, the answer is NO.
And when I say no, don't bother explaining the benefits of social cunt-working for 'up and coming' artists, or the mass 'exposure' it could bring me.......
I'm not interested, not now, not ever.
You may very well mis-understand the reason I make music.
See my track, 'Facefook' for a comprehensive reason why.
New album soon people, very soon.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Rossi gives the CD the taste test, and it gets a thumbs up!
We can now mass produce the album and get ready for a global takeover. Starting with the local pub.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Yes Yes Y'all.
Rossi, aka Roskrypz, Skrypzy, Skipper Skrypz.

No Facebook fuckery,
No Twitter twattery,
No Myspace muppetry,

Fuck it all, i'll give it a blog so you can, should you so desire, show support,

-Anything else, email me!
